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St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Trust


Our Curriculum

“This is what we are about.

  We plant seeds that one day will grow.

  We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise.

  We lay foundations that will need further development.

  We provide yeast that produces effects beyond our capabilities.”

             Archbishop Oscar Romero

"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe."  John Muir

Intent: Our school ethos is built upon the Catholic faith, and our children learn to live in ‘St. Mary’s Way’, where fostering respect for others and care for creation form the foundations of our curriculum.  They enjoy learning, playing and praying together, becoming more loving, persistent and resilient through working both independently or in collaboration with others.  We begin with the National Curriculum but deliver so much more.

At the Infant School, we believe that young children do not see learning in neatly defined boxes. Rather, they are interested and open to the wonder and beauty of creation and the world around them, and are filled with a desire to reach out to others, and an enquiring spontaneous delight in learning. To that end we plan our curriculum through thematic units of work to be rich, broad and balanced in order to develop and deepen their understanding, knowledge and vocabulary.

We aim for our children to experience an education that is motivational, and plan both curricular and extra-curricular events to bring learning alive and enrich their cultural capital. Through challenging and supporting each child to reach their potential, we aim to equip them with the skills, knowledge and self-belief to meet the next steps on their educational journey successfully and confidently.  

Parents are the first teachers of their children.  We aim to establish a close home-school partnership, as we really value the help and support they give.

Implementation: At the Infant School, Our curriculum is designed to be delivered through thematic units that have at their heart and starting point high quality texts. This allows for learning to be contextualised, with English skills under-pinning subject-specific study. Each year group’s curriculum map is revised annually by teachers, and is planned to incorporate the range of objectives from their Key Stage including Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development.

We believe that a child centred approach to teaching enables teachers to adapt the learning to suit the needs of our children more effectively, leading to swift progress and successful outcomes. Our classrooms are therefore set up to enable staff to work with small groups. This ensures that teaching is focussed and adapted to the needs of the children. This also enables us to give children immediate feedback and allows us to address misconceptions before they become embedded. This is particularly important for our Nursery, Reception  and KS1 children

We draw families from across the globe, and to that end we offer a range of activities to enhance and deepen parents’ confidence to support their children’s educational journey.


Curriculum RE

'All knowledge is sterile which does not lead to action and end in charity.'
 (Cardinal Desire Joseph Mercier)

Intent: Religious education in each class is based upon the Diocesan supported programme, ‘Come and See’. We support parents through our sex education programme which is approved by the Diocese, and books and other materials are freely available for parents to help them in this task as part of the personal and social education of children.

We also teach our children about other faiths because we live in a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic world and we value the contributions these groups make to our society. We strongly believe in the tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

Our curriculum is a knowledge-based curriculum that enables the children to learn the teachings of the Catholic Church whilst also allowing them to base their knowledge and understanding in their own life experiences, and gain an understanding of other faiths and beliefs.

Implementation: We follow the 'Come and See', schemes of work which is a programme that has been developed to respond to the needs of primary children in their faith journey. It integrates the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the new Religious Education Curriculum Directory. 

The following strategies and aims underpin the effective delivery of religious education:

  • Religious Education will be taught discretely and developmentally.
  • It will include the deepening of knowledge, and understanding of key theological ideas and their application.
  • Ample opportunities will be offered for children to apply and use their knowledge and understanding in cross-curricular studies.
  • opportunities to engage with their own and others' beliefs as this will develop positive attitudes and dispositions.
  • opportunities to develop a sense of self-worth through their experiences of belonging to a caring community and an awareness of the demands of religious commitment to everyday life.

    Impact: 'The outcome of excellent religious education is religiously literate and engaged young people who have knowledge, understanding and skills-appropriate to their age and capacity -to reflect spiritually, and think ethically and theologically, and who are aware of the demands of religious commitment to everyday life'.

                      Religious Education Curriculum Directory for Catholic Schools 2012

    We assess impact through pupil voice, evidence in books and regular formal assessments.


'If we talk about literacy, we have to talk about how to enhance our children's mastery over the tools needed to live intelligent, creative and involved lives.' (Danny Glover)

We believe that talk underpins thinking and so is key in helping children to become more engaged and effective in their learning. To that end we teach our children to express themselves increasingly confidently and coherently through discussion and role-play, and as they grow older through drama, presentations and debate.

Our children are taught to read using a range of strategies that are designed to stimulate and challenge their thinking and comprehension. In doing so, our aim is for all children to develop a love of reading, and for us to create enthusiastic, motivated life-long readers and writers. Our shared and guided reading sessions begin from Nursery and continue all the way through to Year 6. Each classroom has a book corner containing fiction, non-fiction and poetry to support children’s acquisition of knowledge and encourage reading for pleasure. Additionally, both our schools have attractive, well-resourced school libraries and well-equipped ICT facilities. As children grow older these facilities help them to research their schoolwork and personal interests. The School follows Little Wandle for phonics and uses the Book Band system of graded readers until the children become fluent, independent readers and no longer need to.

We aim to establish close partnerships with parents and guardians, and particularly value the help and support they give by sharing books and stories with their children at home.

We encourage the children to write on a wide range of topics and for a variety of audiences. We understand the importance for children to write for a purpose and therefore our lessons are planned to stimulate and engage their imagination and develop their topic-specific vocabulary. We are also keen to engage the children in local and national issues and events at an age-appropriate level, which they always find particularly enjoyable and interesting to learn about. The children are taught to use accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout their written work and use our own school script.


Our Infant School  is culturally and linguistically diverse, which creates a rich, vibrant place of learning. As our children join us from a wide range of starting points on the journey to becoming fluent English users, we put language development at the heart of our curriculum. By the time our children leave us, our intent is for them to be equipped not just with the age-appropriate English knowledge and skills to allow them to move on to the next stage of their educational journey successfully, but also to have an enthusiastic approach to learning and enquiring minds.

Implementation: Our rich, broad balanced curriculum is designed to be delivered through thematic units that have at their heart and starting point high quality texts. This allows for learning to be contextualised, with English skills under-pinning subject-specific study. Each year group’s curriculum map is revised annually by teachers, and is planned to incorporate the range of objectives from the English Curriculum and subjects specified in their Key Stage including Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development.

Reading is given high status in the school, with all our children read with and to daily by staff. They are taught to read through whole class and group guided sessions. We use the phonic scheme Little Wandle Letters and Sounds to start the children on their journey to reading. The school matches the books the children read to their phonic phase. Over the course of the year a range of text types are covered, with children’s writing derived from these genres. Over time, we revisit genres so that previous learning is revised and built upon, and each academic year some whole school projects allow knowledge to be integrated and interrelated. To deepen their knowledge and vocabulary, our children explore both fiction and non-fiction texts, and poetry where appropriate, within each topic. We developed our own school script, which is cursive.  This is taught from Reception. In Year 1 children begin to learn to join letters, which supports and strengths spelling, and their writing is fully joined by the end of Year 2.

We work closely with outside agencies, such as an Educational Psychologist, a Speech Therapist, a Drama Therapist, Social Services and CAMHS, to ensure that all our children can access our rich curriculum at their own appropriate stage of learning. Interventions are put in place for those who may need additional support to close the gap between them and their peers.

Impact:  Children make good progress in acquiring knowledge and skills in English and as a result achieve well from low starting points. This is reflected in their outcomes at the end of Reception and Year 2 which are broadly in line with National Outcomes, and in the Phonic Screening Check.

We assess impact through pupil voice, evidence in books and regular formal assessments.



‘Maths is not a spectator sport, it’s not a body of knowledge, it’s not symbols on a page. It’s something you play with, something you do.’  (Keith Devlin)

We aim to give the children a thorough understanding of mathematical concepts and the confidence to apply skills and knowledge in a variety of situations. There is a strong focus on mental mathematical skills that we can apply to a range of problems.

We employ a practical approach in order to develop a concrete understanding which is needed for progress in mathematics. We try to develop in the children, a positive attitude to this subject by making the learning as interesting and enjoyable as possible.

We aim to develop the use of Maths in other cross curricular subjects. Computing is used to enhance the teaching of mathematics especially through the handling and presenting of data.

At the Infant School we strive to make maths fun, engaging and interesting for all children.

Mental mathematics is a key skill children need to develop to be fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, therefore each class throughout school practices quick-fire mental maths daily. We follow the scheme White Rose Maths to ensure that children develop the key skills they require during their time in the Infant School.

Children are provided with a variety of different resources to enable them to access their mathematic learning. Numicon and Base 10 and are vital resources used at our school. They can be found in areas of provision for children to access independently and are available in every classroom throughout school.

Our aim in mathematics is for learning to have a purpose. We want our children to be able to apply the key skills of learning in a variety of practical concepts to give meaning to maths using real - life opportunities. We endeavour to provide this by creating as many purposeful maths opportunities within the classroom and within the wider environment,  for example, children going to their local shop to buy their own food for their party and learning about fractions through making pizzas. 

We also want our parents to be involved with their children’s learning. To achieve this, we conduct information evenings at the beginning of the academic year, where we discuss the national expectations for children in maths and provide useful guidance and resources that parents can use with their children at home. Throughout the year, there is continuous communication through weekly newsletters and our interactive Seesaw learning platform, where we give an overview of the forthcoming learning and share ideas and strategies that can be used to support learning at home.   In addition to this, we have developed a document for Early Years that discusses the Early Learning Goals and ways that these can be supported at home.

Children’s work is displayed on walls throughout each class in school. Children also have learning journeys which display their progress and achievements. These are open and freely accessible for parents to enjoy and see how well their children are doing.

Implementation: In every Mathematics lesson we ensure our pupils experience/engage with the concrete, through to the pictorial, through to the symbolic approach to learning. Our schemes of work, the planning, and delivery are based on this approach. The maths activities in every class will offer an open-ended approach to questioning (what if?) which gives all pupils the opportunity to explore, ask questions, be creative, problem solve by applying their mathematics to a variety of everyday real life problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down information into a series of simpler steps and persevering in looking for clues and seeking solutions.

Impact: This approach will improve maths vocabulary and language. Pupils develop accuracy, specificity, problem solving skills and strategies which will lead to improved outcomes in both progress and attainment in mathematics. With lessons that allow all pupils to explore mathematics through the concrete, pictorial and abstract, pupils will become fluent in the fundamentals. With varied and frequent practice, pupils will develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. As pupil’s knowledge develops, they will also be able to reason mathematically. Pupils will develop a love for mathematics and skills for life as they acquire knowledge that will remain in their long term memory.



‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known’. (Carl Sagan)

Science education provides the foundations for understanding the world.  We aim to develop children’s understanding of the world around them through systematic enquiry, using both first hand and secondary sources as appropriate.

They will be encouraged to ask questions about what they observe, devise experiments to answer these questions and find a variety of ways to communicate this information.

The national curriculum for science reflects the importance of spoken language in pupils’ development across the whole curriculum – cognitively, socially and linguistically (National Curriculum 2013). Therefore, children will be taught to use scientific vocabulary in verbal explanations and taught to spell scientific vocabulary when completing written science work. 

The teaching of science involves the children in practical work through whole class activities, through small group work and individual work.

 At the Infant school  we encourage a fascination and love for science and make connections between science and their everyday lives. By the end of KS1, children are expected to have developed a good understanding of a variety of science concepts, be able to talk about them as well as work scientifically.

We aim to increasing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of our world, and with developing skills associated with Science as a process of enquiry. We hope to enthuse their natural curiosity and encourage respect for living organisms and the physical environment, as well as provide opportunities for critical evaluation of the evidence they find.

Implementation: The children begin their scientific journey in the EYFS by discovering and observing the world around them mostly through child led activities. They learn how to ask questions, thinking about why things happen and how.  In Year 1 pupils are taught to build on their experiences and prior scientific knowledge, learning about the world by relating to their carefully chosen topic story books enabling them to create links that develop their understanding of why things happen and how. Once in Year 2 the children have the chance to further harness the skills they have already learnt by performing simple tests and recording and gathering data in creative ways. Their scientific learning continues to be linked to their topic book helping to bring their discoveries to life.

Impact: Scientific learning will be judged in the following ways:

  • Pupil voice – children able to confidently talk about their learning and recall recent and previous learning.
  • Standards and quality of children’s learning as evaluated through learning reviews, and knowledge assessments.



‘Music is a more potent instrument than any other for education, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul.’ (Plato)

Music has a very special place in our schools and is linked closely to the daily Practise of our Faith. Throughout the day all our pupils are encouraged to sing together whether it be through hymns or sung prayers.

At the Infant School, In EYFS and KS1, the children are encouraged to develop a love of music through listening to a range of music as well as participating through song, dance and experimentation with a variety of musical sounds and instruments and will be encouraged to sing and appreciate different styles of music.

The infant classes use their musical skills in our Nativity performances and also through the singing of popular children’s songs and rhymes throughout the year.

Our music curriculum engages and inspires our pupils to develop a love of music and explore their talent as musicians. This helps to increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.

We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of music in the wider community and British culture and are able to use their musical skills, knowledge, and experiences to involve themselves in music in a variety of different contexts such as performing in assemblies, mass, and in other schools.

These skills primarily support the development of the children’s voice as an instrument and help them to retain core knowledge of traditional songs and hymns from various cultures. This helps to develop their understanding of the musical world they live in.

Implementation: All pupils complete a weekly music lesson in addition to singing at weekly assembly;

  • It is also expected that key pieces of music and songs to be learnt will be spread throughout the teaching week in preparation for celebrations such as Harvest, All Saints Mass, Carol Service and Nativities.
  • To ensure that teachers have sufficient subject knowledge, the school uses a comprehensive music  programme. This enables planned lesson based on pitch, beat, exploring sound and performance.

Impact: Children display a love and an enthusiasm for music, particularly singing. Whilst in school, children have access to a varied program which allows them to discover areas of strength, as well as areas they might like to improve upon. These key assessment points will be reviewed through the academic year as the music curriculum evolves.


 ‘What man is, only history tells.’ (George Mosse)

Our History curriculum aims to ignite the children’s curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. It builds and develops skills such as understanding, enquiry, interpretation and reasoning. The children are encouraged to consider how the past has influenced the present and through this gradually develop an understanding of chronology. During their time in school children are given opportunities to go on educational visits to further develop their understanding of past societies.

At the Infant School we want our children to be inspired to think as Historians. The concept of time can be a very hard concept for young children to grasp but based on research of learning and cognition our curriculum is designed to ensure learning is built on over time in an organised and sequential way. The curriculum is organised to address themes that are relevant to the local environment as well as being connected to other curriculum subjects. We aim to develop a curiosity to know more about the past with the ability to ask questions, think critically and develop perspective and a point of view.

Within our unique and rich multi-cultural community, we aim to provide the basis for a common cannon of historical knowledge and understanding that can be deepened and extended as the children progress through our schools.

Implementation: Our historical knowledge, understanding and skills are taught through:

  • Lessons which are rich, interesting and active, and develop a sense of historical curiously.
  • The development of a core body of knowledge that develops through the school.
  • Lessons that provide a clear purpose for the learning and make cross curricular links only when relevant.
  • Lessons that build on prior learning projects to establish a good starting point for each topi

    Impact: The impact of the history curriculum will be measured in the following ways:

  • Pupil voice – children able to confidently talk about their learning and recall recent and previous learning
  • Pupil voice – children able to show how historical knowledge is impacting on their choices as citizens.
  • Standards and quality of children’s learning as evaluated through learning reviews, and knowledge assessments.



'The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.' (Barack Obama)

Our pupils will taught to develop curiosity and knowledge about the world around them. They will learn subject specific vocabulary relating to human and physical geography and begin to use geographical skills, including first-hand observation, to enhance their locational awareness. Children will explore seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom; North and South Poles; Mediterranean region; volcanoes and earthquakes; Brazil and environmental studies with through rainforests; water cycles and the geography of the local area. They will be using geographical equipment and study geography through concrete experiences throughout the year. 

At the Infant School our intention is;

  • to develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places – both terrestrial and marine – including their defining physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context for understanding the actions of processes.
  • To understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world, how these are interdependent and how they bring about spatial variation and change over time.
  • Develop competence in the geographical skills needed to: collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork.
  • Interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
  • Communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length.

Our enriching geography curriculum is planned and sequenced to assure curriculum breadth, coverage and content allows clear progression in knowledge and skills. As pupils progress their growing knowledge of the world will deepen their understanding of the interaction between the physical and human processes and the consequences of that interaction on landscapes and environments.

Implementation: Based on research of learning and cognition our curriculum is designed so that learning is built on over time. Our planning is sequential with a connectivity to other subjects. Lessons assure lively, effective and appropriate learning. Lessons are taught with depth with a clear purpose for learning.  Our pupils are aware of the disadvantages suffered in other countries and work hard supporting charities to overcome these geographical differences.

Impact: The impact of the geography curriculum will be measured in the following ways:

  • Pupil voice – children able to confidently talk about their learning and recall recent and previous learning
  • Pupil voice – children able to show how geographical knowledge is impacting on their choices as citizens
  • Standards and quality of children’s learning is evaluated through learning reviews, knowledge assessments and their written work.



'When you learn computing, you are thinking about thinking' (Bill Mitchell)

At the core of the computing curriculum is Computer Science in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. The aspects of computational thinking are taught throughout the curriculum and can be applied to problem solving in mathematics, science and design technology.

The children are taught how to create programs and a range of content to express their understanding and to enhance the learning of others. The children also learn how to be digitally literate, to communicate and collaborate effectively using web tools and to search and interrogate information. Each year group also study a significant individual who has made an impact in the development of computing.

At the heart of our curriculum is the importance of online safety. At our school, we deliver a rigorous online safety programme from Reception to Year 6 which is supported through our involvement in national events such as Safer Internet Day.

Computing is embedded in teaching and learning across the school and supports our home-school partnerships through the MLE and LGfL programmes which are accessible anywhere.

At the Infant School aspects of computational thinking are taught throughout the curriculum and can be applied to problem solving in mathematics, science and design technology.

At the core of the programme of study for computing is Computer Science in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.

Pupils are taught how to create simple programs and a range of content to express their understanding and to enhance the learning of others.

Pupils learn how to be digitally literate, they learn to communicate and collaborate effectively using web tools and to search and interrogate information.

At the heart of our curriculum is the importance of online safety. At our school, we deliver a rigorous online safety programme from Reception to Year 2.

Computing is embedded in teaching and learning across the school and supports our home-school partnerships through the LGfL programmes which are accessible anywhere.

Implementation:  Computing draws together the strands of computer science, information technology and digital literacy, and seeks to equip our children with computational thinking skills and the creativity they need to understand and change the world.

In Key Stage 1 through effective planning our pupils learn the fundamental principles and processes of computation.

Each class also has access to class based computers and laptops to facilitate their learning.

Impact: Judgements on the Impact of Information Technology learning is carried out in the following ways

  • Learning reviews
  • Outcome assessment presentation/evaluation
  • Pupil voice (self-regulation / internet use/ e-safety)


Sports build good habits, confidence, and discipline. They make players into community leaders and teach them how to strive for a goal, handle mistakes, and cherish growth opportunities.’ (Julie Foudy)

Our PE curriculum promotes teamwork, co-operation, leadership and how to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Children are provided with opportunities to develop their personal, social, cognitive and physical skills through school sport and our extra-curricular program. Children develop these skills as individuals and as a participant in group and team activities.

We deliver high quality PE lessons that are delivered by specialist coaches as well as teachers, concentrating on Physical Literacy through gymnastics, dance and multi skill activities during curriculum time. Children are provided with the opportunity to use specialist equipment is each lesson. Athletic activities and swimming are experienced at Key Stage 2.

This is complemented by active playtimes and after school extra-curricular activities including dance, cross country, fitness, tennis and football.

Our schools compete in many competitions throughout the year including, athletics, cross-country, swimming, football and netball.

At the Infant School We provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident ways which support their health and fitness. Physical education is an important element of the curriculum, which develops a need for healthy life styles, a balanced diet, positive growth mind-set and the resilience to persevere with activities that may be once have felt too difficult. We are passionate about the need teach children the basics in order for them participate in team games and develop their skills. The children learn how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life -long values.

Implementation: Pupils within EYFS undertake daily physical exercise using outdoor play area. They also have use of the fully equipped school hall for structured activities.  Our teachers plan foundation PE using progressive skills and knowledge in basic sports skills e.g. motor skills, hand eye co-ordination, fundamental movement skills and balance skills. 

Children from Year 1 and 2 have planned physical exercise each week. Children are able develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination.

KS1 children also have the opportunity for physical activity during morning and lunchtime breaks with a playground, stocked with resources.  The school also takes part in cross schools competitions.

All children in Key Stage 1 attend a minimum of 15 in school swimming lesson per year, which are taught by a qualified swimming teacher. 

Our scheme of work creates cross-curricular links generated throughout the curriculum map such as Science and SMSC.   

Impact: Learning is checked against set success criteria to ensure progression and understanding. Teachers keep a record of how learners are achieving and intervene effectively and collaboratively to close any skills or knowledge gaps so that all our children develop the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to enjoy and participate fully in physical activity. 


PSHE, Citizenship and British Values

'No one is born a good citizen; no nation is born a democracy. Rather, both are processes that continue to evolve over a lifetime. Young people must be included from birth. A society that cuts off from its youth severs its lifeline.' (Kofi Annan) 

Personal, social and health education (PSHE) and citizenship enables children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.

We encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community, and teach them what it is to be a British Citizen.

In so doing we help develop their sense of self-worth. We teach them how society is organised and governed. We ensure that they experience the process of democracy in school through the School Council.

The aims of personal, social and health education and citizenship are to enable the children to:

  • know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle;
  • be aware of safety issues;
  • understand what makes for good relationships with others;
  • have respect for others;
  • be independent and responsible members of the school community;
  • be positive and active members of a democratic society;
  • develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and make informed choices regarding personal and social issues;
  • develop good relationships with other members of the school and the wider community.

    As a Catholic School, this framework will be implemented in the light of our mission statement with Catholicism at the centre of our approach.

At the Infant School: The intent of PSHE is to equip our pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. The PSHE curriculum incorporates the understanding of RSE which enables all pupils to be safe and to understand and develop healthy relationships both now and in their future lives. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.

We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.

Implementation:  we have a clear and comprehensive scheme of work for PSHE.  The spiral learning within the scheme is high-quality, inspiring with excellent enrichment experiences to develop essential life skills.

Impact:  Our pupils are informed learners within PSHE. They experience a wide range of learning challenges within the different topics and know appropriate responses to them. Our external visitors enrich the lives of our pupils and they are able to discuss how the experience impacted their knowledge and understanding. Pupils talk enthusiastically about their learning in PSHE and are eager to further their learning in the next stages of their education. 

Fundamental British Values are explored in PSHE and pupils understand how to accept and celebrate difference. Pupils will demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school life and their learning journey by developing good learning behaviours, achieve age related expectations across the wider curriculum and enhance their cultural capital.

Our programme of study focusses on three core learning themes: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world and provides a whole-school approach to pupil’s physical and mental health and wellbeing, impacting on new Ofsted judgements of Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes.

Our Scheme of Work covers all the DfE requirements for Relationships Education and Health Education, statutory from September 2020 and aims to equip pupils with a good understanding of risks and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. The scheme links to British Values as well as SMSC.

We deliver the PSHE curriculum by sharing good practice and reflecting the needs of our pupils. We believe that PSHE plays a vital part of primary education and needs to be taught at least weekly; although there will also be opportunity to make cross curricular links and these opportunities should not be missed.

The teaching and learning of RSE is rooted in the Catholic Church’s teaching about what it means to live well in relationship with others and be presented within a positive framework of Christian virtue. Our teaching of PSHE is always delivered in an age appropriate way which reflects the development of the child.



‘Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life’ (Pablo Picasso)

  • We believe that creativity, challenge and inspiration are fundamental to the development of every child. Our Art and Design curriculum aims to develop a deep understanding and appreciation of the role creativity has played culturally and historically, through an exploration of key artists and craftsmen through time.

    We provide high quality teaching and learning in drawing, painting and sculpture to enable children to invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. In addition, children will have regular opportunities to explore a wider range of skills and techniques to express ideas creatively across the curriculum

 At the Infant School we aim to deliver an enriching art curriculum with the highest standards and   expectations that develops our pupils’ knowledge, understanding, skills and creativity. We want our children to be engaged, inspired and challenged. We encourage them to explore art as a tool to develop their understanding of the whole curriculum through visual literacy and creativity in RE, Maths and science.

Our Art curriculum allows our children to cultivate the learning behaviours of curiosity and creativity by enabling our pupils to critically engage with the world and make connections to the national and global contexts they live in. We make sure we give our children the knowledge and skills to invent and create and understand a variety of art pieces and genres. As a result, this develops their fine motor skills as well as critical thinking and evaluation. Finally, as a school, we enable children to understand the impact and contribution art makes to our diverse cultures. 

 Implementation: The curriculum offer is broad and balanced, driven by the National Curriculum and what we believe they should learn. Core knowledge, skills and art history are re-visited in the key stages so that learning goes deeper. Pupils are taught to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products. They are encouraged to use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination across the curriculum.


  • Learning walks,
  • Evaluation and assessment of children’s final pieces in a block of learning,
  • Pupils’ ideas (ability to express their knowledge, response to art teaching, links to wider society).
  • Skills are developed by using a sequenced journey of art and design techniques in colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and the children become proficient at drawing, painting, sculpting, general art, craft and design techniques.
  • Pupils learn about a range of artists, crafts makers and designers, their work and important facts about them.
  • In art they will develop evaluation skills and critical thinking further by describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines and making links to their own work.


Design and Technology

Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination and practical activities, our pupils will design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values.

At the Infant School children are given the opportunity to explore and learn about a range of products and techniques. They are taught to see both the beauty and the functionality of design. 

Implementation: Teachers through whole class, group or individual teaching will ensure that the children will apply their knowledge and understanding when developing, planning, and evaluating. The children will develop their resilience by learning how to take risks. This will enable them to become resourceful, creative and skilful citizens.

Impact: As they evaluate their work using the understanding of past and present design and technology, they will develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. Formal assessments take place at the end of every block of work.

As they evaluate their work using the understanding of past and present design and technology, they will develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.

Children are assessed against the National Curriculum at the end of every block of learning.