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St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Trust


Newsletter 40                                                                                                                     Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Dear Parents,

We have reached the end of the school year. It is traditional to send a newsletter home to you on the final day of term, even though we have only been in school for two days this week.

Thank-you to everyone who has worked together to make this year a success. We are delighted to have had public acknowledgement of the strengths of the school from Ofsted in September, and are looking forward to the report by the Catholic Education Service for our denominational inspection that took place at the start of the month.

Leavers’ Mass – Year 6

Today the Year 6 children ended their school careers in a similar way to how they began, with prayer and praising. We have given thanks for their contributions to the life of the school.

I would like to publicly thank all the parents who have supported their children so well over their time in the Junior School and the Infant School.  The children leave assured of our good wishes and prayers as they begin a new chapter in their education.

Staff changes

Today we also say farewell to Miss Klokow, who has served the school for over twenty years. She is beginning a new life in New Zealand. Haere rā!

We also recognise the other teachers and staff who have left the school during this academic year and served our children. Please remember Miss Trombetta, Mr Pinnock, Mrs Lynch and Miss Hasson in your prayers.

Contact out of office hours

Unfortunately the main School Office will be completely closed during the summer holiday as it is being renovated. However, if you have a safeguarding issue that you need to inform us of, please email

and one of the Senior Leadership Team will respond in the appropriate way.

Holiday activities offered by Croydon Council

You will have seen posters at the front of the school directing you to places to make enquiries about free holiday activities provided by Croydon Council. The link for the website where all the information is available is:

End of term dates

School closes today and re-opens to children on Tuesday 3rd September at 9am. I wish you all a restful and enjoyable holiday.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew McDonald

Head of School


Health Advice for parents


The World Health Organisation now considers the covid pandemic to not be a global health emergency. For advice and support if you suspect someone has covid, please visit:

When using a test, check that it is a recent one that is set up to detect new strains of the virus.


Group A Strep (streptococci)

Scarlet fever is usually a mild illness, but it is highly infectious. Look out for symptoms in your child, which include a sore throat, headache, and fever, along with a fine, pinkish or red body rash with a sandpapery feel. On darker skin the rash can be more difficult to detect visually but will have a sandpapery feel. Children with these symptoms should not attend school.