- Share stories at least twice a day; small group book sharing minimum 2x week
- Correct pencil grip
- Little Wandle Letter and Sounds- Foundation Phonics
- Recasting incorrect grammar with child repeating back
- Count concrete resources accurately to 5, practically add and take away
- Write own name in school script
- Reception
- Correct letter formation (guided writing)
- Join digraphs (ch, sh, th)
- Secure use of CL and . from earliest sentence writing in guided sessions
- Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Phase 2 - 4 Phonics
- Recasting incorrect grammar with child repeating back
- Bank of known words for spelling
a, I, the , to, was, like, play, go, no, be, he, me, she, we, my, you, they, all, are
- Read minimum 2 per week with teacher
- Number bonds to 5 and some to 10
- Solve simple mathematical problems using concrete resources
Year 1
- Joined writing. (don’t stop to dot letters or cross ‘t’)
- Write at greater length
- National Curriculum Appendix 1 spellings and grammar
- Little Wandle Letters and Sounds - Phase 5 Phonics
- Secure use of ?
- Number bonds for all numbers to 20
Count to 100 in 2s, s and 1
Year 2
- Confident use of punctuation CL . ?
- Greater Depth Correct use “ ” , ‘s ’for omissions !
- Extended writing
- National Curriculum Appendix 1 spellings and grammar
- Count in 3s and in tens from any number
- 2, 5 and 10 times tables
- Quarter past and quarter to