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St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Trust



Nursery  Newsletter

19th April 2024

Dear parents/carers,

We have had a busy first week back in Nursery. It was great to see the children after the Easter holidays and to welcome our new members of the Nursery class. The children have all welcomed them and been good friends by helping them to settle into Nursery.

Religious Education

We have started our new topic ‘Good news’. The children have been thinking about what good news is and sharing their good news in our learning groups. We will be learning about the story of Pentecost and how it was good news from Jesus for his friends. We will be learning about the Holy Spirit and how Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to his friends. 



Our initial sound will be ‘e’. The children will be learning to say the sound and looking at objects and pictures that start with the sound ‘e’ e.g: egg, end, eat. We will be playing ‘what’s in the box?’ to support this.  

Home Learning:

Have a look at home or when you are out and about to see if you can find things that begin with ‘e’. Maybe you can play ‘I spy with my little eye, something beginning with ‘e’. ‘

Communication, Language and Literacy

We are now reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ as part of our minibeast topic. We will be doing activities connected with the story.

Home Learning:

 Here is a link to the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar to share at home.


Next week children will be exposed to the numeral 5. They will be continuing to count out a set of 5 objects and we will be trying to recognise different amounts from 1 to 5 without counting. The children who have joined us in Nursery this week will be focusing on the numbers 1 to 3.

Home Learning:  Ask your child to collect for you 5 or 3 objects. Can they count them? Can they take one away?

Reminders: Please send back any spare Nursery uniform that you borrow as we are very low on the Nursery trousers at the moment. Thank you.

Thank you for your support,

Miss Fuller and the Nursery team.