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St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Trust


Reception Newsletter

13th September 2024

Dear parents/carers,

We would like to extend a warm welcome to you all, thank you for your cooperation, kindness and support during the first step on our journey this academic year. We have been so impressed with the way the children have settled into school life this week.  They have learnt and coped with many new experiences. Please continue to support them with this by asking them about their day, their new friends and their learning. Children may feel exhausted with the longer active hours so may not always be responsive but please continue to support them with this. 

Religious Education

Religious Education: We will continue to explore and understand our world, focusing on the importance of caring for our environment. The children will learn about the significance of love, kindness, and gentleness in making the world a better place. Activities will emphasize how taking care of our planet is a way to show love and respect for all of God's creation. We will engage in discussions and projects that highlight the importance of environmental stewardship.


Home learning task: Discuss with your child ways to help care for the environment at home. Create a list of actions your family can take to contribute to a healthier planet.


In the world of phonics: We will start phonics sessions from next week.  The focus sounds for next week are s,a,t,p. We will also be encouraging children to recognise letter sounds in their immediate environment as well as exposing them too segmenting and blending opportunities. 

Home Learning Task:

Encourage and support your child in writing their name.


Literacy: Communication and Language

In Literacy, children will be learning all about our amazing bodies! We will be talking about different parts of our bodies, like our arms, legs, eyes, and ears, and discovering all the wonderful things they can do. Through fun games, songs, and stories, the children will explore how our bodies help us jump, run, see, hear, and much more! We hope you enjoy talking with your child about what they learn each day. 

Home learning task: Every Monday and Friday they will take a book home to share with their adult, please read with your child to encourage a love of reading. Books will only be changed when old books are returned.



In Maths,  the children have engaged in number songs as well as opportunities to further develop a love of maths within their immediate environment.


Home learning task: Please practice recognising numbers in different environments e.g. at home, on the bus, on the roads, at the doctors, etc.


Warm regards, The Reception Team.