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St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Trust

The Catholic Life of our Schools

The Catholic Life and Mission of our schools

Our Mission Statement is to 'Aspire not to have more but to be more'  Is a clear expression of our mission to develop a Christian community where children aspire to be the best that they can be and fulfil God's work on earth.  As a result our mission statement has a signifiant impact in all aspects of life within our schools. 

Our Faith is at the centre of everything we do and our aim is to foster and deepen the children’s faith, to help them to enter into a personal relationship with God and to respond to Him through prayer, worship and Christian living. We try to live as Jesus would want us by showing the personal qualities of caring, sharing, love, trust, honesty and mutual respect. We strive to make our school community one in which everyone is valued and seen in the image of Christ.

We aim to be a welcoming school and part of the wider community.  We have strong links with our parish church, and our children visit our church regularly. 

We encourage our children to care of God's world and its people by developing empathy, sympathy and a need to live their faith through charitable works. 

We have developed a loving Catholic school community who seeks to live out the teachings of Jesus Christ and is permeated by the Gospel values of Love, Faith, Community, Justice, Service and Reconciliation. The staff and pupils uphold these values in partnership with parents, carers, governors, and the parish as we all endeavour to be the people God wants us to be, or as we call it 'living in the St Mary's way'.

Religious Education

We ensure that the school's curriculum for Religious Education is a faithful expression of the Religious Curriculum directory. The programme of study 'Come and See' is used imaginatively and creatively to enhance the children's understanding of their faith.  Our leaders have a regular timetable for monitoring to ensure that the Religious Education we provide is of the highest quality and encompasses both breadth and depth.

Collective Worship 

We have a rich and creative timetable for collective worship that ensures that daily worship is at the centre of our curriculum and the life of our schools. We encourage the children to be active participants and regularly involve our wider school community. Prayer and liturgy is central to the life of our schools. A wide range of significant of joy and sorrow are identified and celebrated in prayer.