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St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Trust

Year 1




12th July 2024

Dear Parents / Carers,

What a busy time of year it is! We have had lots of fun this week in DT; tasting smoothies, investigating fruits and vegetables and designing our own smoothie that we are going to be making next week. We also enjoyed reading our class text and have begun to explore the characters in our story.


Our Celebration Assembly

Our Stars of the Week are: Joshua in St Bernadette Class and Ionut in St Therese Class.

 Our awards for St Mary’s Way go to Adaku in St Bernadette Class and Aubrey in St Therese Class                                                                                 


Religious Education

Next week we will be finishing our topic of ‘Neighbours’. We will be looking at how we can support our neighbours around the world by buying Fairtrade products. The children will be remembering that God loves us and that he made each one of us different with individual strengths and skills.

Home learning: Talk to your child about what their strengths and skills are, and how can they use them to show that they are a good neighbour.


In Maths next week the children will finish their learning about fractions. They will be finding both halves and quarters of amounts and shapes. The children will also compare fractions.

Home Learning:  Work with your child to find a quarter of shapes or amounts. Can they share a number of objects into quarters?  Talk about how a quarter is when we share something into 4 equal groups or split a shape into 4 equal parts.



In our final week, the children will be finalising their plans for their dragon story before writing it over the week. This will be done in small chunks by breaking the story into a beginning, middle and end.

Home Learning: Share a selection of fairy tales with your child and discuss what is similar or different about them. Do they have the same or similar characters? Are the characters different?

If you would like to listen to our new class text with your child please click the link below.

Here is a link to the story, for you to enjoy with your child:


The children will continue to revisit any gaps that arose from the Phonics Screening Check to ensure they as fully prepared as possible for the start of Year 2 in September.

Please ensure you are reading daily with your child at home, this is very important and can have a huge impact on the development of your child’s reading.

The reading books are matched to the children’s current phonic knowledge and this allows them to apply the sounds that they are learning to their independent reading.

Home Learning: Please look at the video containing the phase 5 sounds your child should know by now

Topmarks is a great website that has lots of fun games for children to play. Try their phonics activities here:



During the months when the weather is warmer, please send your child into school with labelled appropriate cool clothing e.g. sun hats, shorts, skirts, dresses, socks instead of tights please etc.

Swimming and P.E. days for this half-term

St Bernadette: Swimming on Thursdays              St Therese: P.E. on Thursdays

Many thanks from the Year 1 Team