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St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Trust

​Year 2

Year two


10th January 2025

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back!  We wish you all a very Happy New Year!  May we wish all our families every blessing of health, happiness and success for this New Year.

Thank you all for your lovely wishes and great generosity at Christmas.

Our Celebration Assembly

Our Stars of the Week are:    Zander in St Francis Class and Aubrey in St Martin Class.

 Our awards for St Mary’s Way go to: Jaydel in St Martin Class and Zarleen in St Francis Class                                                                                 

Religious Education: Books

Our new topic is Books and this week we will learn about ‘Books’ which will lead into learning about why the Bible is a sacred Book for us.

Home learning:

Please look at your family Bible, or if you have one, a Children’s Bible. Talk about why you keep your Bible in a special place. Choose a favourite New Testament story from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John’s Gospel to read together and discuss what you like about that story.


‘oo’ digraph as in the word book


moon, spoon, tooth, boom, boots, book, hook, wood, woods, room


The following words should be learnt and spelt in order to consolidate writing sentences with a capital letter and full stop.  This is something that could be done at home to improve sentence writing.

English: ‘Rosie Revere Engineeer’

This is the book we will draw our learning from this half term.  At present we are learning about what an Engineer is. 

Our main focus this half term is writing sentences with capital letters and full stops. This is something that many children are still not doing innately and has to be mastered at this stage of their learning.

Home Learning:

Please read the stories to your child from the books that they bring home. That is, the books that are not colour coded. Children who have a good understanding of stories, tend to become better writers.


Maths:  We are learning about Money

We are learning about the value of coins and notes  and learning how to add amounts of varying coins.



Home learning: Please look at coins at home such as 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1.00 and £2.00


Take a comination of coins and add them mentally eg. 5p +5p+ 2p =12p


Please remember to label all items of clothing including hats, scarves and gloves.