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St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Trust


Reception Newsletter

19th April 2024

Dear parents/carers,

We extend a warm welcome back as we embark on an exciting journey into the Summer Term! It's delightful to see the halls buzzing with the return of our students, their energy and enthusiasm palpable as they anticipate the adventures that lie ahead.

Religious Education

In Religious Education, In our recent moments of reflection, we concluded our insightful exploration of the theme 'Growing' with a heartfelt classroom liturgy. It was a poignant experience witnessing our students engage in introspection, contemplating their personal growth and the seeds of wisdom sown during our discussions. As we transition into the upcoming week, we're excited to delve into the theme of 'Good News', inviting our students to explore narratives of hope and positivity.



In the world of phonics, our journey continues as we revisit and review phase 2 and phase 3 words. With each phonemic encounter, our students hone their decoding skills, unlocking the pathways to reading fluency and comprehension.

Home Learning Task:
Practice phonetic sounds together using flashcards or online resources. Encourage your child to identify phonemes in everyday words and objects, reinforcing their understanding of sound-letter correspondence. Create rhymes and chants using familiar words, making phonics practice fun and engaging. Incorporate phonetic games and activities into daily routines, such as word hunts or storytelling sessions.


Literacy: Communication and Language

In Literacy, our voyage has commenced with the captivating tale of "The Night Pirates". With each turn of the page, our students embark on a thrilling adventure, deciphering clues and unravelling mysteries hidden within the text. Alongside our literary journey, we're diligently refining our sentence crafting skills, emphasizing the importance of punctuation and capitalization as the building blocks of effective communication.

Home Learning Task: Engage in shared reading sessions, immersing yourselves in the world of "The Night Pirates". Encourage your child to predict what might happen next and discuss the characters' motivations and feelings. Practice sentence construction together, writing short stories or journal entries about daily adventures. Provide gentle reminders about the use of capitals and full stops, reinforcing these essential writing conventions.


In Maths, we ventured into the realm of numbers, we've uncovered the intricacies lying beyond the realm of ten. Through engaging activities and interactive discussions, our students have begun to further grasp the concepts of 'one more' and 'one less', fostering a deeper understanding of numerical relationships.

Home Learning Task: Incorporate mathematical concepts into daily routines, such as counting objects during meal preparation or identifying numbers on household items. Play games that reinforce 'one more' and 'one less', such as adding or subtracting items from a collection. Encourage your child to explore patterns and sequences in nature or around the home, fostering a curiosity for mathematical exploration.


Notice: When recording in your child’s reading record please record only the reading book not the story book.