7th February 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we come to the end of this half term, I want to take a moment to say how brilliant it has been. The children have gone above and beyond in their learning about space, and this has truly allowed their writing to flourish. Their enthusiasm and curiosity have been inspiring, and we are so proud of all that they have achieved.
Religious Education
In RE, we have been developing our understanding of what is inside a church. The children explored the different features and their significance, learning about how a church is a special place for prayer and community. Their discussions and reflections showed a growing awareness of faith and belonging. Home Learning Task: Talk to your child about a special place that is important to your family. It could be a place of worship, a family gathering spot, or a favourite location. Encourage them to draw a picture and describe why it is special. |
This week, we have been consolidating our sounds and focusing on blending longer words like 'farmyard,' 'carpark,' and 'bedroom.' The children have been working hard to segment and blend these words to build their confidence in reading and spelling.
Home Learning Task: Encourage your child to practise blending longer words at home. You can play a game where you break a word into sounds and ask them to blend it back together. Try using words like 'lunchbox,' 'sunset,' and 'football.'. |
Communication, Language and Literacy
This week, we had an exciting time making sandwiches and writing instructions to go along with them. The children practised sequencing and using imperative verbs to give clear and precise directions. This learning continued into our continuous provision, where the children showed great independence by making sandwiches all by themselves throughout the week. It was wonderful to see their confidence grow in both writing and practical skills!
Home Learning Task: Encourage your child to write simple instructions for making their favourite snack at home. Help them to use words like 'first,' 'next,' and 'finally' to structure their writing. |
Maths In Maths, our focus was on capacity. The children explored different containers, comparing and measuring how much liquid they could hold. Through hands-on activities, they developed key vocabulary such as 'full,' 'empty,' 'half-full,' and 'overflowing.' These practical experiences helped deepen their understanding of measurement in a fun and engaging way.
Home Learning Task: At home, let your child explore filling different-sized containers with water. Encourage them to compare and describe which holds more or less using the vocabulary they have learned. |
Looking Ahead Next week will be our consolidation week, where we will focus on assessment throughout the week. This will give us a chance to reflect on all the learning that has taken place and celebrate the progress each child has made this half term.
Finally, I want to wish you all the most lovely half term. I hope you have a restful and enjoyable break, and we look forward to welcoming the children back for more exciting learning next term! |